
Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Benefits Of Catnip Can Relieve Fever, Migraine Headache, Flu, Menstrual Cramps And Insomnia

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is an herb.It has distinct heart-shaped leaves and small white, blue, pink or lavender blooms, which sprout from the end of the stems of the plant.It is known as catswort and catmint.The historical range of the uses of catnip include teas, juices, extracts, salves, tinctures and culinary applications.It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

The essential oil of catnip is used for medicinal purposes and insect repellent.Oil substances in catnip include nepetalactone isomers, nepetalic acid, piperitone, dihydronepetalactone, humulene oxide, caryophyllene oxide, alpha-caryophllene, (E)- beta-farnesene, beta-elemene, thymol, carvacrol, and 3-hexenyl ester.Catnip oil is used as a sedative, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, and diaphoretic agents.Catnip is a carminative that helps in removing air stuck in the intestines, pushing it downward until it is expelled from the body.It is a sedative that aids to slow down the natural cycles of the body and induce a calm, relaxed state.Catnip as a emmenagogue can regulate menstruation.As a diuretic, catnip promotes nutrition.It is a diaphoretic that makes sweat and helps in the detoxification of the body.

Women in pregnancy are not recommended to use catnip because it can prematurely induce labor or cause miscarriage.People with liver or kidney disorders should not be consumed catnip because it may be risky.Children are unsafe to take catnip leaves and tea because they can cause irritability, stomach pain and sluggishness.Catnip can speed the process of healing and reduce inflammation quickly for irritated or broken skin by applying its salves or extracts.

The Benefits of Catnip
  • Eases menstrual pain by helping the muscle relax and relieving the pain caused by cramps
  • Relieves anxiety and stresss
  • Treats colic in baby
  • Eases stomach discomfort.
  • Treats insomnia and sleeping disorders
  • Recovers from cold and fever rapidly
  • Alleviates migraine, headache
  • Speeds wound healing
  • Stimulates appetite before meals
  • Promotes hormon production
  • Reduces weight
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Removes salt and excessive toxins in the body
  • Treats worms
  • Alleviates flu
  • Increases urination
  • Cures hives
  • Starts menstruation in girls
  • Soothes bug bites
  • Relieves irritation on the skin
  • Treats arthritis
  • Treats gout
  • Cures sprained muscles
  • Treats hemorrhoids
  • Treats constipation
  • Treats excess flatulence
  • Treats bloating
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Treats ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disease) in children
  • Relieves dyspepsia
  • Treats ulcers
  • Alleviates nervous system disorders
  • Relieves spasmodic cholera
  • Treats nausea
  • Enhances mood

The making of catnip oil :
  • Gathering the leaves and stems of carnip.Chopping finely to expose more surface area of the plant.
  • Covering the bottom of a casserole dish with the plant.Immersing the greens in olive oil.
  • Heating about two hundreds degrees Fahrenheit for two to three hours in a very slow oven.
  • Once cooled, straining out the leaves.Then refrigerating the oil until further use.

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