
Thursday 31 December 2015

The Benefits Of Istighfar To Make Believer Happy, Calm, Healthy, And Wealthy

Istighfar is the act of seeking of forgiveness from Allah.It is considered one of the essential parts  of worship in Islam.A muslim will recite istighfar three times after every prayer.Muslims will say istighfar from doing wrong such as experiencing envy, jealousy, pride, and haughtiness or even wish to prove their innocence in an incident.Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) recited istighfar at least 100 times a day.

Rasulullah (SAW) said, " If the tears of regret flow from the eyes of a believer onto his face due to the fear of Allah, eventhough they may be the size of the head of a fly, then Allah will make the fire of Jahanam haraam on that face."

The Benefits or virtues of Istighfar
  • Istighfar is the gateway of relief and Happiness.
  • Istighfar is seeking Forgiveness.
  • Istighfar opens the door of Knowledge.
  • Istighfar is  the door of Mercy.
  • Istighfar is a form of giving Thanks.
  • Istighfar is the Gateway of Productivity.
  • Istighfar evades Sins.
  • Istighfar strengthens the Bond with Islam.
  • Istighfar is the secret of Success.
  • Istighfar is a door of Repentance.

  • Istighfar is the door of Sustenance.
Rasulullah (SAW)  has said, " The one who seeks forgiveness from muslim males and females from Allah twenty six or twenty five times everyday, Allah will count that person among those whose dua is accepted, and through the barakah of whom those on earth gain rizq (sustenance)."
  • Istighfar removes Anxiety .
Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased  upon him) said the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) said,"If anyone constantly seeks pardon from Allah, Allah will appoint from him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not (Abu Dawud)."
  • Istighfar is a door of entering Paradise
If you recite istighfar in a minute more than 100 times.The virtue of seeking is well known, it is a reason of obtaining forgiveness, entering paradise, having good provisions, increasing one's strength, repelling harm, increasing in wealth and children, falling rain, and having facilitated affairs.
  • Istighfar opens a path from Poverty or Wealth
Abdullan bin Abbas ( May Allah be pleased with them) narrated that Rasulullah (SAW) said, "The one who regularly says istighfar, that is frequently repent to Allah for sins commited, Allah will open a path from poverty and difficulties.All sorrow and hardship will be removed and in its place prosperity and contentment granted.One will receive sustenance from unimagined and unecpected sources."

There are numerous verses in Al-Qur'an about the importance of Istighfar or asking forgiveness to Allah as follow :
  • Surah Hud ayah 3
  • Surah Nuh ayah 10-12
  • Sural Al-Zumar ayah 53
  • Surah Al-Anfal  ayah 33
  • Surah Sad ayah 35
  • Surah Hud ayah 52
  • Surah Al-Hijr ayah 49
  • Surah An-Nahl ayah 119
  • Surah Al-Isra ayah 25
  • Surah Taha ayah 82
  • Sural Al-Mu'minun ayah 118

The Benefits Of Pea To Cure Stomach, Lung Cancers, Bronchitis, Arthritis And Cholesterol And Many Diseases

A pea (Pisum sativum) is a most commonly green, ocassionally golden yellow or infrequently purple pod-shaped vegetable, widely grown as a cool season vegetable crop.It is the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the pod fruit.Each pod contains several peas.Pea pod are botanically fruit, since they contain seeds and developed from the ovary of  a (pea) flower.Dry weight is about one-quarter protein and one-quarter sugar.Pea seed peptide fractions have less ability to scavenge free radicals than glutathione, but greater ability to chelate metals and inhibit linoleic acid oxidation.

The peas are starchy but high in fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6,  folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, lutein, choline, and molybdenum.

Pea is high levels of antioxidant including flavonoids ( catechin and epicatechin), caretonoid (alpha-carotene and beta-carotene), phenolic acids (ferulic and caffeic acid), and polyphenol (coumestrol).

Peas are beneficial for immune system by consuming raw peas.A cup of raw peas has 58 milligrams of vitamin C, providing 65% of the daily requirement for men and 77% for women.The cooked peas have 25 milligrams of vitamin C.A cup of raw or cooked peas provide about one-third of the thiamin needed each day.It is recommended about 20-25 % daily intaking for riboflavin, niacin,vitamin B6, and folate.

Minerals support blood , muscle, bone health, and nervous system.Cooked peas have more minerals than raw peas.A cup of cooked peas has 2.5 milligrams of iron, 62 milligrams of magnesium, and 187 milligrams of phosphorus, whereas a cup of raw peas has 2 milligrams of iron, 48 milligram of magnesium, and 157 milligrams of phosphorus.A cup of cooked or raw peas provides nearly 2 milligrams of zinc, an antioxidant mineral that promotes wound healing.

The Benefits of Pea

  • Protects from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • Maintains healthy membrane and skin.
  • Cures Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage inside the brain.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Helps body to develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
  • Prevents neural tube  defects in the newborn babies for  expectant mothers.
  • Manages weight.
  • Prevents stomach cancer.
  • Regulates blood sugar.
  • Reduces homocysteine levels which are risk factor for heart disease.
  • Prevents osteoporosis.
  • Improves bowel health and peristalsis.
  • Lowers cardiovasvular problems.
  • Prevents bronchitis.
  • Prevents arthritis.
  • Prevents candida.
  • Prevents wrinkles or anti-aging.
  • Strengthens immune systems.
  • Keeps the cells in the eyes healthy.

A Study in Mexico has shown that the consumption of green peas  about 2 milligrams per day can decrease the risk of stomach cancer.A cup of  green peas contain at least 10 milligrams of coumestrol that is nutrient to protect cancer in green peas.

The Effect of Pea
People who suffer kidney disorders and gout problems should not consume green peas because Peas contain substances called purines.

Coffee Has Benefits In Lowering Cancer, Diabetes, Liver, Parkinson's And Other Diseases

Coffee is a drink made from the roasted ang ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub, served hot or iced.Coffee shows more antioxidants than green tea and cocoa.Scientists have identified approximately 1.000 antioxidants in unprocessed coffee beans, and hundreds more develop during the roasting process.

Coffee contains the essential nutrients like vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niavin), vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid, potassium, manganese, and magnesium.

Roasting coffee transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee beans into roasted coffee product.The roasting process is what produces the characteristic of flavor of coffee by causing the green coffee beans to change in taste.Unroasted beans contain similar if not higher levels of acids, protein, sugars, and caffeine as those that have been roasted, but lack the taste of roasted coffee beans due to the Maillard and other chemical reactions that occur during roasting.

Coffee is healthy in two to three eight ounce cups per day considered moderate; heavy coffee drinkers consume four cups or more daily.Remember the amount of caffeine per coffee beverage varies depending on preparation and style of beverage.Eight ounces of brewed coffee may contain as little as 80 to as much as 200 mg of caffeine per cup (an average cup probably contains about 100 mg).

The Benefits of Coffee
  • Lowers the risk of Parkinson's disease.
  • Protects against cirrhosis.
  • Lowers depression risk.
  • Reduces type 2 diabetes
  • Improves physical performance.
  • Boosts the metabolic rate.
  • Increases fat burning in the body.
  • Improves various aspect of brain functions including  memory, mood, vigilance.
  • Improves energy levels.
  • Protects from Alzheimer's disease.
  • Lowers risk of liver cancer.
  • Lowers risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Protects from dementia
  • Lowers  risks for heart rhytmes disturbances.
  • Lowers risk of stroke.
  • Lowers risk of death or helps live longer
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease.
  • Protects against arterial damage caused by inflammation.
  • Protects against cognitive decline.
  • Fights fatigue.
  • Reducers exerciser's perception of pain.
  • Increases fatty acids in the blood, which supports endurance.
  • Reduces gout risk.

The studies show that people who drink  the most coffee have a 23-50% lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes , one study showing a reduction as high as 67%.

A Landmark Dutch Study, which analyzed  data for more than 37.000 people over a period of 13 years, found that moderate coffee drinkers who consumed between 2-4 cups of coffee daily had a 20% lower risk of heart disease as compared to heavy or light coffee drinkers and nondrinkers.

In Harvard study published in 2011, women who drank 4 or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed.

Several studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of getting Alzheimer's disease.

One study of 489,706 individuals found that those who drank 4-5 cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk of  colorectal cancer.

Studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 40%  lower risk of liver cancer.

In studies, coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of developing parkinson's disease with a reduction in risk ranging from 32-60%.

Another large-scale Study published in the Journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, found that men who drank 4 to 5 cups of coffee per day decreased the risk of gout by 40%, and that those who consumed 6 cups or more lowered gout risk by 60%.

The Effects of Coffee drinking

The consumption of coffee in high dosage can cause irritability, nervousness or anxiety, and impact sleep quality or insomnia.

Caffeine affects every persons differently.Avoid quitting coffee cold turkey that can lead to caffeine withdrawal symptoms including severe headache, muscle aches, and fatigue which can last for days.

30 Benefits Of Peanut For Human Health In Healing Cancer, Depression, Gallstone, And Skin Disorders

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is a corp of global importance that is grown in the tropics and subtropics.It is also called as groundnut.Peanut is classified as both a grain legume, and because of its high oil content and an oil corp.Peanuts are used in a wide variety of cosmetics, plastics, dyes, and paints.

Peanut contains protein, fat, carbs, sugar, fiber, fat, saturated, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, biotin,  vitamin E, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, omega-3, and omega-6.

The Benefits of Peanut
  • Loses weight.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduces heart disease risk.
  • Prevents gallstone.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Reduces the risk of  stomach cancer by reducing the production of carcinogenic-nitrous amines.
  • Prevents nervous disease.
  • Prevents viral or fungal infections.
  • Prevents stroke.
  • Maintains the integrity of cells of mucous membrane and skin
  • Reduces damage done by free radicals produced in the body.
  • Reduces colon cancer.
  • Lowers the risk of baby being born with serious neural tube defects.
  • Regulates blood sugar.
  • Fights depression.
  • Reduces swelling and skin redness.
  • Keeps the skin glowing from within and fights the bacteris lead to acne.
  • Helps with cell regeneration.
  • Treats skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Helps in stress management and mood.
  • Flushes out excess toxins from the body to give a healthy skin.
  • Calms nerve, muscles, and blood vessels to provide better blood flow  to the skin so it gives the youthful and healthy skin.
  • Guards skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun to protect against sun burn and skin damage.
  • Provides firmness and elasticity to the skin to keep it young and supple.
  • Helps in the growth and repair of body tissues.
  • Heals wound and bruises at a faster pace.
  • Reduces inflammation in the body to prevent skin eruptions.
  • Lowers the risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer.
  • Moisturizes and hydrates the skin from within to yreay dry and scaly skin.
  • Treats pustules, skin rashes and rosacea.

Two of  observational studies suggest that frequent peanut consumption may cut the risk of gallstones in both men and women.

By consuming  an ounce of peanut ot two tablespoons of peanut butter each week can save from gallstones or gallbladder disease with reducing the risk 25%.

Eating at least 2 spoons of peanut butter twice a week can reduce the risk of colon camcer in women by up to 58% and in men by up to 27% , so it is beneficial peanut for women.

The various application of peanuts
  • Peanut can be eaten raw, used in recipe, or made into oils, textile materials, peanut butter, snacks, confectionery, and bakery products.
  • Peanut oil is often used in cooking, because it has a mild flavor and a relatively high smoke point.It has a high monounsaturated content so it is considered healthier than saturated oils and is resistant to rancidity.
  • Peanut flour is lower in fat than peanut butter because of its high protein content as a flavor enhancer.It is used as a gluten-free solution
  • Boiled peanuts are a preparation of raw, unshelled green peanuts boiled in brine and eaten as snack.

The effects of Peanut

  • The most abundant protein in peanuts such as arachin and conarachin can be severely to some people causing life-threatening reactions.

  • If the child is allergic to peanut, it shows signs after eating peanuts like a runny nose, skin rash,a tingly tongue that can progress if untreated to difficult breathind, a drop in blood pressure and in turn becoming unconscious.It is recommended not to give peanuts to children until they are old enough.By knowing the family history of a peanut allergy.
  • Peanut can be contaminated witn species of mold ( Aspergillus flavus) which produced a toxic substance called aflatoxin.The symptoms of aflatoxin such as loss of appetite, yellow discoloration of the eyes (jaundice), and liver failure.The risk of aflatoxin contamination depending on how peanut are stored, being mote common under warm and humid conditions, especially in the tropics.It can be prevented by drying of peanut after harvest and keeping temperature and humidity low during storage.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Chocolate Has Beneficial To Treat Stress, Concussion, Stroke, Alzheimer And Many Diseases

Chocolate is usually brown, sweet, food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds roasted and ground, often flavored, as with vanila.The seeds of cacao tree have an intense bitter taste and must be fermented to develop the flavor.Chocolate is made in the form of  a liquid, paste, or in a block, or used as the flovoring ingredient in  other foods.Chocolate liquor is cocoa mass liquefied before being molded with or without other ingredients.It is processed into two components such as cocoa solids and cocoa butter.Cocoa solids are source of flavonoids, alkaloids such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine.The mold standard of European chocolate is better than in the US.Dutched chocolate is treated with an alkalizing agent to modify  its color and give it the milder taste.Processing with alkali is called dutching.Dutching process causes the polyphenol or flavanol content is lost and reduces 60% antioxidant of cocoa or chocolate.So dutched chocolate is less good.Consumption of chocolate or cocoa powder is a natural or non alkali for maximum antioxidant.

Chocolate contains carbohydrate, dietary fiber, protein, fat,  palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, phenylethylamine, riboflavin, vitamin B12, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, selenium, and magnesium.

The Benefits of Chocolate 
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease
  • Prevents cognitive decline
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Improves blood pressure
  • Keeps the brain healthy
  • Lowers stroke
  • Prevents memory decline in older people
  • Preserves blood flow in the working areas of the brain
  • Increases walking distance for people with peripheral artery disease
  • Reduces or blocks damage to nerve pathways found in patients with Alzheimer's disease
  • Helps patients with kidney failure to improve the blood function
  • Protects against sun-induced damage
  • Improves blood flow the skin
  • Increases skin density and hydration
  • Loses weight
  • Reduces stress in expectant mothers
  • Prevents the onset of diabetes and improves insulin sensitivity
  • Restores flexibility to arteries
  • Encourages brain to release feel-good endorphins
  • Reduces the risk of cardiometabolic disorders
  • Treats brain injuries such as concussion (dark chocolate)

Scientists at Harvard Medical School suggest drinking two cups of chocolate a day may help keep the brain healthy and prevent memory decline in older people.The researchers said that hot chocolate can help preserve bood flow in working areas of the brain.

A new study that tracks the impact of diet suggest eating up 100 grams of chocolate each day is linked to lower risks for heart disease and stroke.

According to Research published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology said that consuming a cocoa product could help patients with kidney failure to improve their blood vessels function.

Dr.Mercola advises people to eat very dark chocolate with low sugar and low additives like milk because chocolate has more healthy fat and recommends only 7 grams of dark chocolate per day or 45 grams chocolate every single day for eight weeks resulted in improving cholesterol levels without a single bad side effect.

Researchers in Finland have found that chocolate consumption lowers the risk of suffering a stroke.

A Finish Study found chocolate reduced stress in expectant mothers, and that the babies of such mothers smiled more often than the offspring of non -chocolate- eating parents.

The Effects of Chocolate

  • The consumption of large quantities of chocolate increase in activity to expend the associated calorie, can increase the risk of weight gain and possibly obesity.
  • The use of chocolate or cocoa excessively can cause increase risk for kidney stones because chocolate and cocoa contain moderate to high amounts of oxalate.
  • One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was carried out to identify the relationship between chocolate consumption and bone density in older women.
The Author conclude that "Older women who consume chocolate daily had lower bone density and strength."

The Benefits Of Seaweed In Decreasing Cancer, Weight, Stroke, Cholesterol And Other Diseases

Seaweed (Marine macroalgae) is large algae growing in the sea or on the rocks below the high-water mark.It refers to several species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae, that live near the seabed (benthic).Seaweeds grow in a wide range of sizes from miniscule to gigantic.Most seaweeds are medium-sized in multiple colors like green, blue green, red, and brown.It also known as nori, gim, kelp, egg wrack, irish mosh and so on.

Seaweeds contain the rich and essential sources such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, omega 3-fatty acids, fiber, potassium, selenium, iodine, zinc, copper, iron, calcium, chromium, bromine, and magnesium.They contain high calcium up to 10 times more than milk and 8 times as much  as beef.

Seaweed is as anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that provide health benefits of human.It is used as food, medicine, fertilizer, filtration  and industry.Seaweeds are harvested or cultivated for the extraction of alginate, agar, and carrageenan, gelatinous substances collectively known as hydrocolloids or phycocolloids (food additives).Clinical trials have used in oral dosage range of 4 to 12 grams seaweed daily for up to two (2) months.

The Benefits of Seaweed
  • Regulates and purifies blood
  • Increases libido
  • Increases energy level
  • Lengthens menstrual cycle
  • Assists in producing healthy sperm
  • Flushes excess fluid and reduces bloating
  • Controls cholesterol levels
  • Maintains healthy blood pressure levels
  • Combats depression
  • Combats fatigue
  • Aids in cognitive function
  • Strengthens gut mucus which protects gut wall
  • Helps pre-digest pulses which in turn reduce wind
  • Blocks the chemical oestrogens that can predispose people to breast cancer
  • Reduces phlegm
  • Promotes urination and reduces swelling
  • Alkalizes blood
  • Neutralizes the over-acidic effects of modern diet
  • Boosts weight loss
  • Acts as detoxifier that helps to draw out waste products
  • Treats diabetes
  • Improves in functioning of salivary glands and making the oral tissues  more resistant to damage
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots
  • Decreases the threat of stroke
  • Decreases cardiac failure
  • Decreases obstruction in the veins and arteries
  • Protects effect against influenza B virus
  • Obstructs  the absorption of harmful viral particles in the cells and prevents the body from getting infected
  • Prevents heart failure
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease
  • Maintains smooth circulation in the blood vessels
  • Protects the skin from damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight
  • Protects the skin from photo-aging, pigmentation, and wrinkle formation
  • Helps in keeping the skin revitalized, moisturized, and youthful
  • Helps in strengtgening the roots ans shafts of hair follicles and making hairs thick and lustrous
  • Protects eyes and prevents of after-cataract
  • Assists in healthy sexual function
  • Regulates thyroid function
  • Shields the stomach wall against harmful bacteria

A study using the seaweed the bladderwrack has shown evidence that it may lengthen the menstrual cycle which in turn will put off menopause because seaweed exerts antiestrogenic effects in premenopausal women.

Dr.Jane Teas of Harvard University published a paper saying that kelp consumption might be a factor in the lowers rates of breast cancer in Japan.

A study from McGill University in Canada showed that seaweed was great for detoxing the body from the radioactive chemical strontium.

Scientists at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne have researched Alginate, a substance in brown seaweed, and found that it can strengthen gut mucus which protects gut wall, slow down digestion and make food release its energy more slowly (i.e. it is low-GI, and therefore good).

Greg lampert, director of the herbal course at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine says, "kelp is to reduce phlegm and shoften hardness; it promotes urination amd reduce swelling

Seaweed is used as fertilizer, compost for landscaping or a means of combating beach erosion through burial in  beach dunes.It is used as an ingredient in toothpaste, cosmetics, and paint. Industrial products use seaweeds as paper coatings, adhesives, dyes, explosives, gells, and in processes such as papr sizing, textile printing, hydro-mulching, and drilling.

The effects of seaweed
  • The excessive consumption of seaweed can cause the yellowing in the skin.
  • Rotting seaweed is a potent source of hydrogen sulfide, a high toxic gas and has been implicated in some incidents of apparent hydrogen-sulfide poisoning.It can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Eleutherine palmifolia Or Dayak Onion Is Used As Anticancer, Diuretic, Diabetes And Many Maladies

Eleutherine palmifolia is known as dayak onion, sabrang onion, mekah onion, mala-bawang or depending on the region.Dayak onion has rooted red color with ribbon-shaped green leaves and white flowers.This plant has no stem.The leaves are small, long, and light green.Its growth is very fast chives.At the base of bulbs are fibers.The main characteristics of dayak onion lies in the color and shape of leaves.The plants have grown to produce tubers stored in the soil. It is found in tropic areas, in Indonesia.This plant is easily cultivated that it will be harvested within 2-3 months after planting.

Eleutherine palmifolia tubers contain saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, phenolics, glycosides, and polyphenols.Eleutherine palmifolia is potential as medicinal plant.Dayak onion is traditionally used as diuretic, anticancer, antioxidant, vermifuge, abortifacient, anti-inflammation, antimicrobial, and antifertility agent.

The Benefits of Dayak Onion  (Eleutherine palmifolia) :

  • Relieves dysmenorrhea.
  • Treast breast cancer.
  • Treats colon cancer.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Prevents stroke.
  • Decreases high blood pressures
  • Treats diabetes.
  • Treats constipation.
  • Facilitates urine.
  • Relieves vomiting.
  • Becomes laxatives.
  • Treats jaundice.
  • Treats dysentery.
  • Treats stomachache.
  • Relieves gas pain.
  • Treats hepatitis.
  • Treats insomnia.
  • Cures bronchitis
  • Cures goiter.
  • Prevents heart disease.
  • Treats ulcer.
  • Treats asthma.
  • Treats cyst.
  • Treats colon inflammation.
  • Cures rheumatic.

Eleuterine palmifolia or dayak onion is one of  ten herbal constituents used in ancient Thai medicine for dymenorrhea.

A study evaluates medicinal plants from Kalimantan for antimelanogenesis, the bulbs of Eleutherine palmofolia showed DPPH radical scavenging activity and strongly inhibited the melanin production of B16 melanoma cells without significant cytotoxicity suggesting its potential as ingredient for skin whitening cosmetics.

According to Prof.Dr.Sidik Apt (Profressor of Pharmacy faculy in Padjajaran University) said that Dayak onion has alisin compouds that can lower high blood pressure and blood viscocity.

The experts said that Eleuterine palmifolia is a herb used as antioxidant that can reduce chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

The recipe of dayak onion to reduce cancer disease:
Washing 5-7 cloves of Eleutherine palmifolia or dayak onion and slice them thinly.Boiled with five glasses of water until the remaining of three glasses.It is ready to drink three times a day for forty (40) days regularly.If there is no progress, it can continue to drink  a week later during forty days regularly.During the treatment of cancer disease has to avoid soft drinks that contain gas, and foods that contain fat, monosodium glutamate, and meat.

Monday 28 December 2015

Orthosiphon aristatus : The Benefits Of Java Tea In Treating Diabetes, White Discharge, Kidney And Some Diseases

Java tea or Orthosiphon aristatus is an herb that is widely grown in tropical areas.The plant can be identified by its white or purple colored flowers.The herb is popularly known as Java tea. The plant is believed to provide many benefits to  health.In Indonesia name is Kumis kucing (Cat whiskers) and in Malaysia, it is called Misai kucing.Orthosiphon aristatus inhibits diuretic, hypouricemic, renal protective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-hypetensive, anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-microbial, and anorexic activities.This plant was actually originated in Africa and then spread to Asia and Australia.
The characteristics of Java Tea :
  1. A wet bar and upright.
  2. Purple round stalk greenery.
  3. The position of the leaves on the stem alternately.
  4. The lower part of roots riding.
  5. Leaves round  or oval, the length is about 1 up 10 cm.
  6. The bone of  leaves.

1. Eliminating itching due to allergies

Allergies are immune failure so that the body becomes hypersensitive to a particular substance, such as pollen, mold, and animal dander.
Symptoms of allergies :
  1. Itchy.
  2. Watery eyes.
  3. Sneezing and itching of the nose.
  4. Itching resulting in a rash.
  5. Fatigue.
The recipe for this disease :
Prepare each ½ handful of java tea leaves, andographis paniculata leaves, chamber bitter leaves, 2 java gingers in thumb size, and 4 glasses of water.All ingredients boiled until the remaining  of 2 glasses of water.It is ready to drink for twice a day.

2. Treating kidney inflammation

Kidney inflammation or glomerulonephritis is a disease that can damage the kidneys. Kidney has problem to remove and filter waste resulting excess fluid in the body.
Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys:
  1. Urinating less.
  2. Urine cloudy, reddish, even mixed with blood.
  3.  fever.
  4. Lumbago
  5. Swelling of the eyelids, hands and feet
  6. Distended stomach
Herbal treatment of this disease :
Prepare 60 grams - 120 grams of java tea fresh leaves.Boiled with 3 glasses of water until the remaining of one glas of water.Drink 3 times a day.

3. Streamlining expenditure urine

 If someone is difficult in urinating, it means urinary tract infection.This tract infections can occur in the kidney duct and bladder.Its main cause is the presence of bacteria called escherishia coli that normally lives in the human intestines and feces.
  1. Pain during or after urination.
  2. Feeling to urinate, but no urine coming out
  3. Dark urine
  4. Pain in the waist
  5. If it has reached the kidney, usually followed by fever and chill.
The recipe of the disease :
Take 25 grams of java tea or cat whiskers fresh leaves, boiled  with two glasses of water about 15 minutes. Drink the potion in the morning  and noon of each ½ glass.

4. Treating Arthritis

Rheumatism is a disease that attacks the joints, muscles, and tendons. Treatment for the disease  is intended to reduce pain, relieve inflammation and maintain joint function in order to remain in good condition.
The cause of  rheumatism can not be known with certainty, but the disease allegedly caused by several factors, including genetic factors, viral infections, or due to hormonal changes.
Symptoms of this disease are:
  1. Pain in the limbs of the body
  2. Muscle weakness
  3. Inflammation and swelling in the joints
  4. Stiff joints
  5. Seizures and contraction in the muscles
  6. Impaired function in joints
  7. The sound in the joint
  8. Wobbly joints
  9. Changes in the shape of organs
  10. Lump / nodules

The recipe of arthritis :
Take 5  pieces of java tea or cat whiskers leaves and  5 chamber bitter leaves boiled with three glasses of water. Drink the potion thrice a day each ½ glass.

5. Treating cough

Cough is a common type of disease suffered by human beings. The cause of the cough itself is due to the existence of dust, allergies, or bacteria or something that stimulates the mucous membrane.
According to the symptoms, cough consists of several types, namely dry cough, productive cough, bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough. Usually the disease is characterized by itching of throat, sometimes accompanied by fever.
There are so many drugs on the market are offered to treat diseases.Ranging from drugs made from chemicals, which is made up of herbal plant extracts.The traditional herb that is able to cope with this disease is to use the leaves of cat whiskers or java tea.

The recipe of cough :
Take 15 grams -  20 grams of java tea fresh leaves  and three glass of water.After washing, boiled these leaves with a glass of water.Drink three times a day each.

6. Overcoming cold

Cold is a disease caused due to irregular gas association in the body. The disease is caused by a reduction of body condition as a result of fatigue, lack of sleep, eating late, cold, or even because of the extreme heat.
This disease can be suffered by any age, but the disease can be cured without consuming drugs.
The symptoms include:
  1. Bloated
  2. Body feels cold
  3. Sleepy eye
  4. Appetite disappears
  5. Prolonged diarrhea
If left unchecked, this disease can be fatal such as prolonged diarrhea, shortness of breath, pain in the joints, as well as high fever.
The recipe of cold :
Prepare some java tea leaves and a glass of water.Rinse the leaves and then boiled with water until the remaining of  ½ glass.Drinking it.

7. Treating Gout

Uric acid is a kind of disease that attacks the joints, especially joints toes, fingers, ankles, knees, elbows, and wrists. This disease occurs due to excessive consumption of purine substances. If uric acid levels in excess of the body, the kidneys will not be able to issue these substances, so that the uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints.This results in joint pain, swollen and inflamed.
Symptoms of uric acid:
  1. The onset of pain or pain in the joints
  2. Joints ache
  3. Redness of joints
These symptoms usually happen when we wake up in the morning.
The traditional way to treat gout are:
Take 4  - 5 pieces of java tea fresh leaves , 4 - 5 pieces of chamber bitter and one glass of water.Boil all ingredients until the remaining of  ½ glass of water.Drink the potion at least thrice a day.

8. Treating White discharge

White discharge or flour albus is a common problem in women.It is caused by bacteria, viruses, molds, and parasites. White discharge  is divided into two types, namely:
  1. White discharge Physiologically, it occurs before or after menstruation. Or it could be in the fertile period of a woman. It happens every month.
  2. White discharge pathological, it occurs due to infection, it is usually followed by itching in the vagina and the area around the outside of the vagina.
The recipe of white discharge :
A handful of java tea leaves ,a handful of marsh fleabane leaves, a teaspoon black cumin,10 cubeb seeds and enough water.Then boil all the ingredients with water until the remaining of two glasses then drink the potion at least twice a day.

9. Treating bladder stones

Urinary stones or usually called kidney stones is one of urinary tract disease that is usually in the form of infection, obstruction, pain, and metaplasia. Kidney stone itself is hard as a rock mass contained in the urinary tract. If this happens then there will be pain, bleeding, blockage of urine flow, or infection.
Symptoms of this disease are:
  1. Great pain of relapsing-remitting in the area between the ribs and hips, radiating to the abdomen, genital area and inner thighs.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Abdominal distension.
  4. Fever and chill.
  5. Bleeding in the urine.
To prevent this disease, drink lots of water, stay away from supplement drinking.
The traditional way to overcome the disease:
Take 90 grams of cat whiskers or java tea fresh leaves, one glass of  water.After washing these leaves , boiled with water until the remaining of  ½ glass.Drinking  three times a day.

10. Treating constipation

Constipation is a digestive disorder, which occurs hardening of stools lead to difficulty defecating.
Causes of constipation including the lack of consumption of fibrous foods, bowel habits are irregular, the habit of using laxatives, hormonal changes, and poor diet.
Symptoms of Constipation
  1. Difficult and feel pain during defecation.
  2. Cramps in the abdominal muscles.
  3. Frequent flatulence or flatus.
  4. Appetite disappears.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Vertigo.
  7. Stomach feels heavy.
How to cope with constipation
  • Consumption of fibrous foods.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Consumption of many fruits.

11.Treating Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease caused blood sugar levels to rise. In which the pancreas is unable to produce insulin the body needs.
Symptoms of diabetes vary depending on the type of diabetes you have. If you have blood sugar levels higher than normal but not yet quite be categorized as diabetes or elevated blood sugar during pregnancy probably will not experience any symptoms.
Symptoms of the disease:
  1. Frequent urination in large numbers.
  2. Frequent thirst.
  3. Weight loss.
  4. Tiredness.
  5. Frequent tingling.
  6. If injured, it is difficult to recover.
  • Consumption of foods that are low in calories and fat
  • Often exercise
  • Maintenance ideal weight
The recipe of the risk of diabetes
Take 15 pieces of  java tea leaves and wash them.Boiled these leaves with  2 glassess of water until the remaining is one glass.Drink the potion once a day.

12. Treating back pain

Back pain is a common complaint in the community. Usually happens when we are too tired while performing activities like carrying heavy loads or when something goes wrong position when we lift weights.
The causes of back pain :
  1. Wrong condition in humpering.
  2. Mechanical disturbances that occurred in the structure function of the bone
  3. Wrong position during sleep
  4. Lack of exercise
  5. Often wearing high heel of shoes
Prevention :
  • Exercise regularly
  • Arrange a comfortable position when sitting or during sleep
  • Maintain proper nutrition
  • Reduce or avoid smoking
  • Do not lift weights with a bent position.
  • Drinking potion made from boiled java tea leaves and roots at least once a day.

13. Treating hypertension

Hypertension is a condition that is common in communities where the blood fluid in the body very strongly suppress artery. The more blood is pumped to the heart and arteries constrict, blood pressure will rise.
Symptoms of Hypertension:
  1. Headaches / dizziness.
  2. Nosebleeds occur.
  3. Face becomes red.
  4. Feeling tired.
The way to overcome hypertension :
  • Reduce consumption of foods containing salt.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits.

14. Treating Syphilis

Syphilis is a kind of venereal disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum or spirochaeta pallida. The disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse, either vaginal, rectal, anal, or oral.
Symptoms of this disease are:
  1. Swelling of the lymph.
  2. Wart-like protrusions in the area around the anus and armpit.
  3. The emergence of pain / chancre (sometimes appeared several injuries).
  4. Rash on the palms and soles.
  5. The onset of flu symptoms such as fever, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, dizziness.
  6. Numbness include difficulty moving muscles, paralysis, even blindness.
Traditional treatment for this disease is to utilize the properties of cat whiskers or java tea leaves.

The recipe of syphilis :
Take  a few cat whiskers or java tea leaves boiled with two glasses of water until the remaining of  one glsss of water.Regularly drink the potion can cure syphilis and increase endurance

15. Treating liver

16. Treating albuminuria

Albuminuria is a type of disease that is characterized by the discovery of albumin in the urine.
Symptoms of the disease are characterized damage kidney filter such as nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, hypertension, and heart failure may lead to albuminuria.Including doing heavy exercise, bladder tract infection and when a high fever can also cause this disease.

Sunday 27 December 2015

16 Manfaat Daun Kumis Kucing Untuk Kesehatan

Kumis kucing atau Orthosiphon aristatus adalah tanaman yang termasuk golongan famili lamicaeae/labiatae yang banyak dijumpai di Indonesia.Kumis kucing berfungsi sebagai anti oksidan, anti diabetes, anti bakteri, dan anti radang.Kumis kucing adalah tanaman herbal yang memberikan khasiat bagi kesehatan.Tanaman ini sebenarnya berasal dari Afrika yang kemudian menyebar ke Asia dan Australia.
Ciri-ciri Pohon Kumis kucing :
  1. Batang basah dan tegak.
  2. Tangkai bulat berwarna ungu kehijauan.
  3. Daun bundar / lonjong, panjangnya sekitar 1cm - 10 cm.
  4. Posisi daun pada batang berselang seling.
  5. Bagian bawah berakar tunggang.
  6. Tulang daun.

Manfaat Daun Kumis Kucing untuk kesehatan

1. Menghilangkan rasa gatal akibat alergi

Alergi merupakan kegagalan kekebalan tubuh sehingga tubuh menjadi hipersensitif terhadap substansi tertentu, misalnya serbuk sari, jamur, dan bulu binatang.
Gejala alergi antara lain :
  1. Gatal
  2. Mata berair
  3. Bersin-bersin serta gatal pada hidung
  4. Gatal-gatal yang mengakibatkan ruam
  5. Kelelahan
Resep tradisional untuk rasa gatal akibat alergi adalah :
Ambil 1/2 genggam daun kumis kucing, 1/2 genggam daun sambiloto, dan 1/2 genggam daun meniran, 2 jari temulawak,  dan 4 gelas air.Semua bahan direbus hingga tersisa 2 gelas saja, kemudian minum ramuan tersebut 2 kali sehari masing-masing 1 gelas.

2. Mengobati Radang ginjal

Radang Ginjal atau Glomerulonefritis sejenis penyakit yang dapat merusak ginjal. Ginjal mengalami masalah untuk membuang dan menyaring limbah sehingga mengakibatkan cairan dalam tubuh berlebih.
Gejala radang ginjal :
  1. Kencing berkurang
  2. Air kecing berwarna keruh, kemerah-merahan, bahkan bercampur darah
  3. Demam
  4. Sakit pinggang
  5. Bengkak pada pelupuk mata, tangan dan kaki
  6. Perut buncit
Resep herbal radang ginjal:

Ambil 60 gram - 120 gram daun kumis kucing yang segar, Rebus menggunakan 3 gelas air hingga tersisa 1 gelas saja.Minum ramuan tersebut 3 kali sehari.

3. Memperlancar pengeluaran air kemih

Manfaat daun kumis kucing yang paling ampuh adalah untuk proses kencing. Salah satu khasiat daun kumis kucing adalah dapat memperlancar keluarnya air kemih/ air seni. Jika seseorang sulit dalam proses keluarnya air seni, itu berarti saluran kencingnya sedang mengalami infeksi. Infeksi saluran ini bisa terjadi di saluran ginjal dan kandung kemih.Penyebab utamanya adalah adanya bakteri yang dinamakan escherishia coli yang biasanya hidup pada kotoran dan usus manusia.
Gejala :
  1. Sakit pada saat atau setelah kencing.
  2. Rasa ingin kencing, akan tetapi tidak ada air seni yang keluar
  3. Air seni berwarna pekat
  4. Nyeri di pinggang
  5. Jika telah mencapai ginjal, biasanya diikuti demam dan menggigil.
Resep untuk obat penyakit ini :
Ambil 25 gram daun kumis kucing segar, rebus menggunakan 2 gelas air putih sekitar 15 menit. Minum ramuan tersebut pagi dan sore hari masing-masing ½ gelas.

4. Mengobati Rematik

Rematik adalah penyakit yang menyerang persendian, otot, dan urat. Pengobatan untuk penyakit ini ditujukan untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri, menghilangkan peradangan, serta memelihara fungsi persendian agar tetap dalam keadaan baik.
Penyebab reumatik belum dapat diketahui secara pasti, namun disinyalir penyakit ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk faktor genetik, infeksi akibat virus, atau karena perubahan hormon.
Gejala rematik adalah :
  1. Nyeri pada anggota gerak tubuh.
  2. Otot menjadi lemah.
  3. Terjadi peradangan dan bengkak pada persendian.
  4. Sendi terasa kaku.
  5. Terjadi kejang dan kontraksi pada otot.
  6. Gangguan fungsi pada persendian.
  7. Bunyi pada sendi.
  8. Sendi goyah.
  9. Perubahan bentuk organ tubuh.
  10. Adanya benjolan / nodul.
Resep tradisional untuk rematik :
Rebus 5 helai daun kumis kucing serta daun meniran dengan 3 gelas air. Setelah dingin, minum ramuan tersebut tiga kali sehari masing-masing ½ gelas.

5. Mengobati batuk

Batuk merupakan jenis penyakit yang umum diderita oleh manusia. Penyebab batuk sendiri adalah karena adanya benda asing (debu, alergi, atau kuman) atau sesuatu yang merangsang selaput lendir.
Menurut gejalanya, batuk terdiri dari beberapa jenis, yaitu batuk kering batuk berdahak, bronchitis, batuk asma, serta batuk rejan. Biasanya penyakit ini ditandai dengan rasa gatal ditenggorokan, terkadang juga disertai demam.
Banyak sekali obat dipasaran yang ditawarkan untuk mengobati jenis penyakit yang satu ini. Mulai dari obat yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan kimia, sampai yang berbahan ekstrak tanaman herbal.

Resep untuk mengatasi batuk:

Ambil 15 gram -  20 gram daun kumis kucing yang masih segar dan 1 gelas air .Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus daun kumis kucing tersebut dengan segelas air tadi.Minum sebanyak 3 kali sehari masing-masing 1 gelas.

6. Mengatasi Masuk angin

Masuk angin adalah penyakit yang ditimbulkan karena adanya perkumpulan gas yang tidak teratur di dalam tubuh. Penyakit ini disebabkan karena penurunan kondisi tubuh akibat kelelahan, kurang tidur, terlambat makan, kedinginan, atau bahkan karena cuaca panas yang ekstrim.
Penyakit ini bisa diderita oleh segala usia, namun penyakit ini bisa saja sembuh tanpa perlu mengkonsumsi obat-obatan.
Gejala masuk angin antara lain :
  1. Perut kembung
  2. Badan terasa dingin
  3. Mata ngantuk
  4. Selera makan menghilang
  5. Diare yang berkepanjangan
Jika dibiarkan, penyakit ini bisa berakibat fatal seperti diare yang berkepanjangan, sesak nafas, sakit pada persendian, serta mengalami panas yang tinggi.
Resep untuk masuk angin :

Ambil sedikit daun kumis kucing dan segelas air.Cuci bersih daun tersebut lalu rebus dengan air tadi, biarkan hingga air rebusan hanya tersisa kira-kira ½ gelas saja.Minum setelah air rebusan tersebut dingin.

7. Mengobati Asam urat

Asam urat adalah sejenis penyakit yang menyerang bagian persendian terutama sendi jari kaki, jari tangan, tumit, dengkul, siku, dan pergelangan tangan. Penyakit ini terjadi karena adanya konsumsi zat purin yang berlebihan.  Jika kadar asam urat dalam tubuh berlebih, ginjal tidak akan mampu mengeluarkan zat tersebut, sehingga kristal asam urat menumpuk di persendian. Hal ini mengakibatkan sendi terasa nyeri, bengkak dan meradang.
Gejala asam urat  :
  1. Timbulnya rasa sakit atau nyeri pada bagian persendian.
  2. Sendi terasa ngilu.
  3. Kemerahan pada sendi.
Gejala ini biasa terjadi saat kita bangun pagi.
Resep untuk mengobati asam urat  adalah :
Ambil 4 - 5 lembar daun kumis kucing dan daun meniran yang masih segar, 1 gelas air.Rebus semua bahan tersebut hingga air hanya sisa ½ gelas saja.Minum ramuan tersebut 3 kali sehari.

8. Mengobati Keputihan

Keputihan atau flour albus merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada wanita. Gangguan ini disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, jamur, dan parasit. Keputihan dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu :
  1. Keputihan fisiologis, gangguan ini terjadi sebelum ataupun sesudah menstruasi. Atau bisa saja pada masa subur seorang wanita. Ini biasa terjadi setiap bulannya.
  2. Keputihan patologis, gangguan ini terjadi akibat infeksi, biasanya diiring rasa gatal di vagina serta daerah sekitar vagina bagian luar.

Resep untuk mengobati keputihan
Ambil satu genggam daun kumis kucing, satu genggam daun beluntas, satu sendok teh jinten hitam, 10 biji kemukus, dan Air secukupnya kemudian  rebus semua bahan sampai mendidih, setelah itu minum ramuan tersebut minimal 2 kali sehari.

9. Mengobati kencing batu

Kencing batu atau biasa juga disebut batu ginjal adalah salah satu penyakit saluran kemih yang biasanya berupa infeksi, obstruksi, rasa sakit, dan metaplasia. Batu ginjal sendiri merupakan massa keras seperti batu yang terdapat pada saluran kemih. Jika hal ini terjadi maka akan timbul rasa nyeri, pendarahan, penyumbatan aliran kemih, atau infeksi.
Gejala penyakit kencing batu adalah :
  1. Rasa nyeri hebat yang hilang-timbul di daerah antara tulang rusuk dan tulang pinggang, yang menjalar ke perut, daerah kemaluan dan paha sebelah dalam.
  2. Mual dan muntah.
  3. Perut menggelembung.
  4. Demam dan menggigil.
  5. Terjadi pendarahan di air kemih.
Untuk mencegah penyakit ini, biasakan minum air putih yang banyak, jauhi minuman suplemen.

Cara tradisional untuk mengatasi kencing batu :
Ambil 90 gram daun kumis kucing segar dan satu gelas air setelah itu daun dicuci bersih, rebus daun kumis kucing tersebut dengan air hingga airnya sisa ½ gelas.Minum ramuan tersebut sebanyak 3 kali sehari.

10. Mengobati sembelit

Sembelit merupakan salah satu gangguan pencernakan, dimana terjadi pengerasan tinja yang mengakibatkan sulitnya buang air besar.
Penyebab antara lain, kurangnya konsumsi makanan berserat, kebiasaan buang air besar yang tidak teratur, kebiasaan menggunakan obat pencahar, perubahan hormon, serta buruknya pola makan.
Gejala Sembelit
  1. Sulit dan merasa sakit saat buang air besar.
  2. Kram pada otot perut.
  3. Sering buang gas atau kentut.
  4. Nafsu makan menghilang.
  5. Mual.
  6. Vertigo.
  7. Perut terasa berat.
Cara mengatasi sembelit
  • Banyak konsumsi makanan berserat.
  • Perbanyak minum air putih.
  • Olahraga teratur.
  • Perbanyak makan buah-buahan.
  • Rebus beberapa lembar daun kumis kucing dengan segelas air hingga mendidih. Setelah dingin, minum ramuan tersebut.

11.Mengobati Diabetes

Diabetes adalah penyakit yang disebabkan kadar gula dalam darah meningkat. Dimana organ pankreas tidak mampu memproduksi hormon insulin sesuai kebutuhan tubuh.
Gejala diabetes bervariasi tergantung jenis diabetes yang dimiliki. Jika memiliki kadar gula darah lebih tinggi dari normal tapi belum cukup dikategorisasikan sebagai diabetes atau gula darah yang meningkat saat kehamilan mungkin tidak akan mengalami gejala apapun.
Gejala penyakit diabetes  :
  1. Sering buang air kecil dalam jumlah yang besar.
  2. Sering haus.
  3. Berat badan menurun.
  4. Mudah lelah.
  5. Sering kesemutan.
  6. Kalau terluka, sulit sekali sembuh.
Pencegahan  :
  • Konsumsi makanan yang rendah kalori dan lemak.
  • Sering berolah raga.
  • Menjaga berat badan ideal.

Ramuan untuk menyembuhkan diabetes adalah
Ambil 15 lembar daun kumis kucing, cuci bersih.Rebus dengan dua gelas air hingga tersisa satu gelas saja.Minum ramuan tersebut satu kali sehari.

12. Mengobati sakit pinggang

Sakit pinggang merupakan keluhan yang umum terjadi pada masyarakat. Biasa terjadi ketika terlalu lelah saat menjalankan aktivitas seperti memikul beban berat atau saat terjadi salah posisi saat mengangkat beban.
Penyebab gangguan sakit pinggang  :
  1. Kondisi salah saat membungkuk atau pada saat mengangkat beban.
  2. Gangguan mekanik yang terjadi pada struktur fungsi tulang.
  3. Posisi salah saat tidur.
  4. Kurang olah raga.
  5. Sering mengenakan high heel.
Cara pencegahan :
  • Olahraga teratur
  • Mengatur posisi yang nyaman saat duduk ataupun saat tidur
  • Menjaga asupan nutrisi yang tepat
  • Kurangi / hindari merokok
  • Jangan mengangkat beban dengan posisi membungkuk.
  • Minum ramuan yang terbuat dari rebusan daun kumis kucing dan akarnya minimal sehari sekali.

13. Mengobati hipertensi

Hipertensi adalah kondisi yang biasa terjadi pada masyarakat dimana cairan darah dalam tubuh sangat kuat menekan arteri. Semakin banyak darah yang dipompa ke  jantung dan arteri menyempit, tekanan darah akan meningkat.
Gejala Hipertensi :
  1. Sakit kepala atau pusing.
  2. Mimisan.
  3. Wajah menjadi kemerahan.
  4. Merasa kekelahan.
Cara untuk mengatasi hipertensi, adalah :
  • Kurangi konsumsi makanan yang mengandung garam.
  • Hindari merokok dan alkohol.
  • Hindari stress.
  • Olahraga teratur.
  • Perbanyak konsumsi sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Rebus 50 gram daun kumis kucing kering dengan air secukupnya.Seduh 50 gram daun kumis kucing basah dengan air panas.Campur kedua ramuan tersebut, lalu minum minial satu gelas sehari.

14.  Mengobati Sipilis

Sipilis merupakan sejenis penyakit kelamin yang disebabkan oleh bakteri spirochaeta pallida atau treponema pallidum. Penyakit ini menular melalui hubungan seksual, baik vagina, rektum, anal, maupun oral.
Gejala sipilis adalah :
  1. Pembengkakan pada getah bening.
  2. Tonjolan seperti kutil di daerah sekitar anus dan ketiak.
  3. Munculnya sakit / chancre ( kadang muncul beberapa luka ).
  4. Ruam pada telapak tangan dan telapak kaki.
  5. Timbulnya gejala flu seperti demam, sakit tenggorokan, nyeri otot, kelelahan,pusing.
  6. Mati rasa meliputi kesulitan menggerakkan otot, lumpuh, bahkan kebutaan.
Pengobatan tradisional untuk penyakit ini adalah dengan memanfaatkan daun kumis kucing yaitu dengan cara merebus beberapa lembar daun kumis kucing dengan dua gelas air  hingga air tesebut tersisa satu gelas.Minum ramuan tersebut selagi hangat. Meminum ramuan tersebut secara rutin dapat mengobati penyakit sipilis sekaligus meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

15.  Mengobati Liver

16. Mengobati albuminuria

Albuminuria adalah jenis penyakit yang ditandai dengan ditemukannya albumin di dalam urine.
Gejala penyakit yang ditandai kerusakan saringan ginjal seperti nefritis, sindrom nefrotik, hipertensi, dan gagal jantung dapat menimbulkan albuminuria. Termasuk melakukan olah raga berat, infeksi saluran kemis dan pada saat demam tinggi dapat juga mengakibatkan penyakit ini.
Pengobatan penyakit ini adalah dengan cara mengobati penyakit dasarnya.contoh albuminuria karena hipertensi, maka jalan yang ditempuh adalah menurunkan tekanan darah tersebut.