
Saturday 27 February 2016

The Bleeding of The Newborn Girl's Genital Or Menstrual Period In The Newborn Baby

The newborn daughter at the age of two or three days may have a little bit of bleeding from her vagina.It is caused by the withdrawal of the hormones she was exposed in the womb.It is normal and common for baby girl.The womb (uterus) is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located in a woman's slower abdomen between the bladder and the rectum.Vaginal bleeding is blood flow from the uterus.During pregnancy, a surge in maternal estrogen levels can stimulate a female fetus' uterus.Maternal hormones crossing the placenta stimulate growth in the infants uterine lining.This hormone stimulation is abruptly terminated at the birth and causes sloughing of hyperdeveloped uterine lining of the baby.

The newborn girl's genital has been exposed to many hormones in the uterus.It is caused by :
  • These hormones may have caused a thick, milky discharge in the vagina.
  • These hormones made the outside of the vagina (labia majora and the clitoris) a little swollen and prominent.

After birth,  babies still have hormones in their body left over from their nine months stay in the womb.This can lead to engorged genitals, swollen breast buds and small amounts of bleeding and discharge in both girls and boys, as the hormones slowly leave their body.When a women breastfeeds she passes her hormones to baby.During pregnancy the infant also comes in contact  with reproductive hormones.According to Medical professionals state that Breastfeeding is not a precursor to what is often called false menstruation.These increased hormones can cause small lumps to form in the breasts for both boy and girl babies.The baby girl may experience a menstrual cycle about one week.Some baby girls only experience the bleeding for a day or two days and others do not experience it at all.

A Study of 350 newborn girls revealed vaginal (Uterine) bleeding in 25,4 %, mostly demonstrable only by chemical-micro methods, but also macroscopically visible in 3,3%.This kind of bleeding appears always in the first week, with its highest frequency on the fifth day of life and must be regarded as a physiologic event.Analogues histologic and cytologic controls comfirmed these observations, pointing toward the fact that, as a rule no menstrual withdrawal bleeding, but degenerative regressional changes upon the endometrium occur.Due to the rapid withdrawal of maternal hormones, nutritive disorders may lead also to diapedesis bleeding.But if any genital bleeding lasts longer than one week or appears for the first time after that period, further diagnostic procedures are essential as a possible pathologic condition may be assumed.

The Way to Clean the Baby

Spread labia and wash out the creases gently that are not needed to go any deeper.The inside of baby vagina is cleaned with warm water only without soaps.It is sensitive tissue.Both the penis and vagina of babies are self cleaning.A baby girl's vulva should never be forcibly cleaned or any cleaning products inserted, as this can throw off the natural bacterial balance and cleaning process.A baby boy's foreskin should never be retracted.Do not come away with a wipe and just leave it if the vagina has any discharge .Do not attemp to remove it because it will come away by itself in a few days.As long as this area is cleaned gently at each diaper change to remove any leftover poop or urine.The body of baby will do what it is designed to do.

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