
Thursday 3 December 2015

The Best And Complete Treatment For Magic And Evil Eye Based On Al-Qur'an And Hadith


Treatment is the way you deal with or behave towards someone or something or It is the use of an agent, procedure, or regimen, such as a drug, surgery, or exercise, in an attemp to cure or mitigate a disease, condition, or injury.


Magic is an incantation, knot, spell, and statement that are used in speeches, written, or in actions that have an effect on the body, heart, or intellect of a person without having a direct contact with that person.It is a reality that kills, causes sickness, or prevents relationships (sexual) between a man and his wife, causes separation between them, or between families, places anger with families and friends, and causes a person to love those whom he hates in order to have a relationship and to be a source of spreading destruction.

Magic and its existence is confirmed by Qur'an and Sunnah and is agreed upon by the schoolars.It is a reality and a truth, and it affects a person by only Allah's.There is a consensus among the schoolars of Tafseer that Surah Al-Falaq was revealed because of Habeebbin Asum who did magic on The Prophet (SAW).The Prophet (SAW) included Magic among the major sins that destroy mankind and needs to be kept away from.

The Punishment for Magician

The Prophet (SAW) said : " The punishment for a magician is beheading."

Umar (RA) ordered all magicians to be killed in his time.This proves the severity of magic.

The Treatment for Magic

The treatment for magic has two divisions namely

I. Treatment by Prevention for magic before it occurs
  • Be mindful and perform all compulsory acts, and leave off all that is unlawful, and seek repentance from all evil deeds.
  • Constantly recite, contemplate, and act on the glorious Qur'an in which it becomes a daily routine.
  • Seek protection with supplications, seeking refuge and remembrances that are legislated by Allah and His Messenger (SAW).
A. From among those supplications are the following :
- " In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing is harmed on the Earth, nor in the Heaven, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing." 80/86
-  Recite Ayah Kursi after every prayer, before sleeping, every morning and every evening.( As- Sahih Ibn Majah,  2/332 ).
- Recite surah Al-ikhlas, surah Al-Falaq and surah An-Nas three times in the morning, evening and before sleeping.
B. One must be mindful and recite the remembrances and supplications in the morning and evening as well as the remembrances and supplications after every prayer, before sleeping, upon waking, and before travelling etc.
  • Eat seven dates in the morning if it is possible, as stated by the Prophet (SAW) : " Whoever wakes up in the morning and eat seven ajwah/ dates, (preferably from the boundaries of Madinah he will nevet be afflicted by poison nor magic)." Al-Bukhari, 10/247, Al-Muslim , 3/1617.

II. Treatment for magic after it has occured

There are two types to treat magic after it has occured :
  • First Type is to extract and destroy the magic.If the magic is known by extracting and destroying it with permissible methods from the Qur'an and sunnah, are the best and suitable way of curing it.
  • The Second type is to use Ruqyah As-Shar'eeyah.
Ruqyah As-Shat'eeyah is the recitation of Al-Qur'an, seeking of refuge, remembrances and supplications that are used as a means to treat sickness and other problems.
- By grinding seven lote tree leaves, then pour water over it ( for drinking and bathing ) and recite the following surahs and ayahs over it :

* I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed.
* Surah Al-Faatihah.
* Surah Al-Baqarah,ayah 1 - 5.
* Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah 102, 137, 284, 285, 286.
* Ayah Kursi.
* Surah Al-Imran, ayah 1 - 5.
* Surah Al-Imran, ayah 85.
* Surah Al-Naa'm, ayah 17.
* Surah Al-A'raf, ayah 54 - 56.
* Surah Al-A'raf, ayah 117 - 122.
* Surah Yunus, ayah 79 - 82
* Surah Al-Israa, ayah 82.
* Surah Al-Kahf, ayah 39.
* Surah At-Taha, ayah 65- 69.
* Surah Al-Mu'minun, ayah 115 - 118.
* Surah Yaseen, ayah 1 - 9.
* Surah As-Safaat, ayah 1 - 10.


Evil Eye is a terrible affliction that afflicts mankind ; it is the most widespread affliction in the world.Most people of this nation ( Muslims ) will die from it after what Allah has decreed.

The Prophet (SAW) said : "Most of those will die from my nation after what Allah has decreed will be from the evil eye." (Fath Al-Haaq Al Mubeen; As-Sahih, 747).

The Prophet (SAW) said : " The evil is true (reality)...".(Sahih Muslim, 2188).

Annas (RA) narrated that Prophet (SAW) made it an ease to take Ruqyah for fever and evil eye. ( Sahih Muslim,  2197 ).

The evil eye is a reality and a truth that a person needs to seek and cure protection from.It is permissible in Islam to seek ruqyah for it.

Types and Signs of Evil Eye 

The evil eyes has two types :

1. The evil eye from mankind.
2.The evil eye from jinn.

The evil eye from mankind and jinn are confirmed in many narrations.

Abu Sated (RA)  said that The Propet (SAW) said " To seek refuge from jinn and the evil eye from mankind."( At'Tirmidhi, 2058).

Ibn Al-Qayem (May Allah have Mercy on Him) said " There are two kinds of eyes; the human evil eye and the jinni evil eye."

Om Salamah ( May Allah be Pleased with Her ) said that Allah'Messenger (PGBUH) saw a girl in her house whose face had black spot so he said : " She is under the effect of an evil eye, so treat her with Ruqya." ( Al - Tib Al-Nabawi, 164 ).

The reason of the evil eye is mostly because of envy, that is to wish for the prevention of bounty for another person, eventhough the envier does not wish for this bounty.The reality of envy is the result of hatred and malice, which is the result of anger.( Fath Al-Haq Al-Mubeen, 219).The evil eye us like an arrow or spear that leaves the soul of the envier and goes to person that is envied.It afflicts the person envied at times and sometimes it does not afflict him because he uses protective methods whether supplication or seeking refuge etc, the evil eye can return to the envier.( The Medicine of The Prophet, 138 ).

The signs of Evil Eye :
  • The paleness of face .
  • Numb in arms and legs.
  • Congestion in the back of the chest.
  • Tense muscles.
  • Heart palpitating.
  • Yawning continuously.
  • Increasing headache.
  • Sweating in the back area.
  • Generally weakness and inability to work.
  • Bluish and greenish bruises.
  • Crying or tears dropping for no obvious reason.

The Treatment for Evil Eye

There are three categories of treatment for those afflicted with the evil eye :

I. The Treatment before evil eye occurs 
  • Protect yourself  and those whom you fear for, from it with remembrances, supplications, and seeking refuge that is in accordance with Al-Qur'an and Sunnah.
  • Supplicate from whom you fear might be afflicted with it ( if you see something within yourself, your wealth, your son, your brother or anything that amazes you) with blessing.
The Prophet (SAW) said 
If  anyone says from his brother what amazes him, let him supplicate for him with blessings ; This is what Allah's Wills, there is no strength except with Allah, O Allah bless him with it."
  • Guard anything or anyone that is attractive and may be recipient of the evil eye.This means :
* If someone had wealth, he should guard it by asking Allah to bless and to protect it and be thankful to Allah
* If someone has good news and he knows people will envy him, because of it, he should guard it by keepint it secret.
* When a person has the beautiful family, he should guard them by seeking protection from Allah for them, teaching and commanding them to do so, and also by dressing them properly not to expose their bodies or beauty so as not to be envied and affected by the evil eye.

II. The Treatment after The Affliction of Evil Eye
  • If the person who causes the evil eye is known, command him to make "ablution" (wudhu) and then the afflicted person should shower with the water from ablution. ( Sunan Abu Dawud, 419 ).
  • Recite these surahs and ayahs below as much as possible.
* Surah Al-Fatihaah.
* Surah Albaqarah, ayah 137.
* Surah An-Nisa, ayah 54
* Surah Al-Qalam, ayah 51.
* SurahAl- Mulk, ayah 3.
* Surah Al-Ahqaaf, ayah 31.
* Surah Al-Israa, ayah 82.
* Ayah Kursi
* Surah Al-Fussilat, ayah 44.
* Surah Yunus, ayah 57.
* Surah At-Taubah, 14.
* Surah As-Syura, ayah 80.
* Surah Al'Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas.

Note : Reciting Surahs and ayahs, along with the authentic supplications that have been mentioned previously and blow in the right hand and wipe over the places of pain.
  • Recite over water and blow it.It is better if  the recitation is done over zam-zam or rain water.Then the sick person should drink from it and pour the remainder over himself or recite over olive oil and anoint his entire body with it.

III. The Implementing of the Necessary steps that keep away the Evil Eye from the Envier
  • Seek refuge in Allah from all evil.
  • Fear Allah and implement all His commands and keep away from all that He prohibited.
  • Exercise  patience to the envier, pardon him, do not fight him or complain about him, and do no not possesses any evil inner feelings to harm him.
  • Have complete trust in Allah for whomever his trust in Allah, Allah will be enough for him.
  • Have no fear of the envier and do not keep pondering or thinking about him, this is a very beneficial treatment.
  • Turn to Allah in sincerity and seek His pleasure in all things.
  • Seek repentance from all sins because they humiliate mankind.
  • Give optional charity and do as much good as possible.For verily that had a great and amazing effect in combating evil from the envier.
  • Have complete sincerity and belief in the unity of Allah, The Wise, The Judge.He is harmed by nothing and nothing benefits Him, Glory be to Him and He is above all things.(Ibn Qayyim, 2/238-245 ).

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